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Are you ready to SUSTAINABLY transform your body? As you probably already know, FAD diets and plans are miserable and never leave you with the results you desired anyway. I am passionate about pulling people out of this harmful cycle and still leaving them with the results they want. 

I’m Caroline McKee and after years of struggle, I finally just competed in my first NPC Bodybuilding Competition. After placing 1st, I came out with more than just a medal. I came out with loads of knowledge in several areas on how to completely manipulate your body as you please. You have control of your body. Not the other way around. 

Click below to apply for 1-on-1 coaching with me to foster your own transformational journey. 


Hey, I’m Caroline, a dedicated Online Fitness Coach! I am hugely passionate about helping you create a happy and healthy lifestyle that allows you to unlock your full potential.


Over the years I have fallen in love with health and fitness and becoming the best possible version of myself. I have made mistakes, I have learned, and I have grown. I have found you CAN achieve the physique you’ve always wanted & build a strong mindset whilst living a happy, healthy, and FUN life.


My goal is to take all the guesswork away, help you ditch the fad diets that never work, and support and guide you in creating a sustainable lifestyle with long-lasting results.


I will work closely with you to overcome the mental barriers currently holding you back from reaching your full potential, and I will ensure you become the best version of yourself, both inside & out!


If you’re looking for a quick fix, this isn't the place for you. But, if you’re looking to build a healthy, sustainable, and ENJOYABLE lifestyle whilst achieving long-lasting results, then you're in the right place! All you need to do is tell me what your goals are and we will take the first step together!

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Your training plan will be tailored specifically to you and your goals. And don't worry; I understand that life can be crazy sometimes and fitting in a workout can seem impossible, but I will get to know you, and we will make sure your workout not only fits with your busy schedule, but is also something you can look forward to and get you results!

I am a HUGE foodie and super passionate about my clients ENJOYING the food they eat so you can wave goodbye to bland and boring meals because those days are in the past! My theory is that if you don't love it, you won't stick to it.


If working with me, you will have the option between a meal plan or macros to track yourself. I will design you a custom-made meal plan, so you can avoid having to plan/ decide what to eat. Alternatively, I can give you your macronutrients & you can eat whatever you want to fit them!

Your weekly check-ins are the perfect way to keep yourself accountable. Here, we will discuss your training & nutrition, but also your sleep, stress, digestion, mindset, and more.  I endeavor to take a holistic approach because I believe in order to ensure we get you the best results and build healthy habits that last a lifetime, we must assess every part of your daily life.


Everything you need to enter any gym will be easily accessible online, and I will be there to guide and support you through every stage of your journey.

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You don’t want to give up your favorite foods.

  • Having to give up pizza & Oreos to lose weight is a MYTH.


You have very little time to spend at the gym each week.

  • We’re going to fit the gym into your life… not fit your life into the gym.


You don’t have the confidence to walk into a gym.

  • Your confidence will skyrocket when having a plan in place beforehand & I’m going to be your biggest cheerleader each time you walk in!


You don’t have the energy to work out.

  • My plans provide clients with MORE energy throughout the day.


Always on the go and have no time to cook.

  • I’m full of tips and tricks to make healthy eating easy and enjoyable.


Have you ever said, “I’ve done everything and just can’t reach my goal body”?

Me too. Many times. After years of trial and error, I learned the secrets, and I’m excited to loop you in!

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